Language: Native or Non-Native. Which is more important and Why?
Some people say language doesn’t matter. But does it?
This question arises a lot of times in my mind. I went to so many places in India, and though they say that Hindi is one of our official languages but believe me very less you could find people here who speak Hindi very fluently.
Everyone tries to speak in their own native language whether it is at school, office, or at home. At home, I think you can talk in any language you want because you are with your own family. They understood you. But what about school or college or office? It doesn't need to be Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Telegu, etc. Rather it should be the language that everyone can understand i.e. English.
From the prep we are encouraged to learn English and why it is so that we can speak it anywhere where we are not in touch with people who speak the same language as us.
But if some people don't realize it and you get sidelined among people who speak the same language, where does it leave you? How much vulnerable you can feel when you don't even understand what they are talking about? Are they talking about you or are they praising you or badmouthing you or discussing some important work? Such questions when you hear them every time and every day in your mind make your life more pathetic and you start questioning your life choices. I do not know whether you guys think the same but I would definitely like to hear your opinion about “ Which language we should speak native or non-native?” So comment down your thoughts if you too feel the same.
P.S: Not trying to hurt anyone's sentiments or emotions. Just a friendly post to share my emotions after lots of thinking :)